Friday, February 17, 2012

Dear Keller #2

Dear Keller –

6 months old already.  I can hardly believe it.  It’s amazing to me how much you’ve changed and how much you’ve learned to do in just 6 short months.  And, as with every other month you’ve grown older, this is my new favorite age!

You started rolling over shortly after you turned 4 months old.  You went to Ms. Sheree’s like any other day.  As I was sitting at work I started getting picture messages and I knew what was coming.  She managed to capture the entire roll-over.  I was so excited for this big accomplishment in your life…but so sad I missed it.  So I cried.  At work.  I sent your dad a text and asked him if he could hurry up and make more money…to which I promptly got a confused phone call.  I explained that you had rolled over and I had missed it and I was going to miss all your ‘firsts’ and if he’d just make more money I could stay home with you…to which he replied ‘Are you really crying at work?  People are probably making fun of you.’  Your dad’s super sympathetic.  :) 

You are eating all sorts of food now.  Being the amazing cook I am, I am making all of your food.  Made you banana tonight.  Whew!  Mashing that banana really took it out of me.  You love apples and bananas and sweet potatoes.  You also like squash and you’re still undecided on peas.  You eat them, but pretty hesitantly.  Avocado was the first food you had, and you really liked it at the time, but now that you’ve had a taste of other things, forget about it.  I can’t blame you on that one.

You sleep through the night like such a good boy, usually 9-10 hours a night.  We had to Ferberize you to get you to sleep that long, which involved lots of crying by both you and me, but it was worth it in the end.  I think.  As long as you don’t end up emotionally scarred.  And now that you can roll over, you like to sleep on your belly and will often sleep with your face straight down in the mattress.  Talk about freaking your mom out.  I was up Googling at midnight one night whether it was safe for you to sleep like that or not.  Google said it was…Google better be right.

You still LOVE watching TV, as you have pretty much since you came out of the womb.  We watch Wheel of Fortune every night and you love it…probably all of the colors and the fast pace and Pat Sajak’s funny jokes.  And it’s totally educational so I’m fine with you watching it.  You’re going to know how to spell by the time you’re 2.  ;)  A commercial for Wheel came on one day and you turned your head to watch…you recognized the theme song.  That’s either really sad or really amazing.  I’m going with amazing!  You also love Elmo.  If you’re upset and nothing else works, ‘Elmo’s Song’ on YouTube never fails.  Never.

You went on your first plane ride in January, when we went down to Florida to see your Grandpa & CoCo.  Our flights there and back were both delayed…apparently the airline didn’t care that I had my day all scheduled out and arranged around your eating schedule.  Whatever.  You were a perfect angel regardless.  We surprised your Grandpa for his 50th birthday…put you in your car seat on his door step and hid.  He thought you were a doll.  When he finally figured out what was going on, he was totally surprised.  We went to the beach while we were there.  You ate the sand.  I thought you’d get a taste of it and realize you didn’t like it and not do it again.  I thought wrong.  We also went to our first art show and lots of great places to eat and you and I went for a walk every morning in the gorgeous January sunshine.  Someday you’re going to ask me why we choose to live in the Midwest when places like Florida and California exist...and I’m not going to have an answer for you.

You are a Mama’s boy…and I love it.  That is all.

You have found your voice and love to hear yourself squeal.  Or maybe you just like the attention you get from making such loud noises.  Either way, it usually gets a laugh from me and your dad.  And really, you like making noise in any manner.  Banging blocks together, slapping the table/high chair tray/computer, fake coughing, etc.  You also like to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and something about that makes you want to dance.  You get one little leg really going…I call it the Missouri One Step.  Cutest lil’ thing I ever did see.

And you like to laugh at the dogs.  You think they’re sooo funny when they come to give you kisses or lick your hands.  Marley is your protector.  He doesn’t let you far from him and he’s always right by your side when you’re crying.  And he doesn’t mind when you pull his hair or when we think it’s funny to act like he’s a horse and let you ride him.  I can already tell you and him are going to be best buds!  Vanilli, on the other hand…  You’ve tried to pet her a few times and I very hesitantly have let you, but only quickly.  I’m sure it won’t take long for you to learn about her.  She’s like a small mountain lion, not to be touched.  I’m not looking forward to the day you grab her tail or pet her too roughly or grab a chunk of her hair or look at her wrong.  She’s liable to leave you with a nub for a hand.  And Maya girl, she just wishes you’d throw that damn ball for her.

You still love your baths and your splashes are getting bigger and bigger.  I usually wind up nearly as wet as you.  We took you swimming for the first time last weekend and you loved it.  Finally somebody for your dad to play with in the pool!!!  He’s been waiting on this for a looong time.

Swimming with Dad
Lil’ Man, you have made this the best 6 months of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months have in store for us.  

Such a happy baby!

6 Months Old

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