Hey! This is Keller. I’m writing for my mom because she’s sooo tired (she can’t help it, she’s old). I had my one month birthday yesterday. Woo Hoo!! What a day it was! Mom put me to bed around 9 (and then again around 10:30) Sunday night, but with my birthday quickly approaching, I was having a hard time sleeping. So, I woke up again around 11:15, but I was still a little early for the big day. So, back to sleep. But the next time, PARTY!! It was 12:25 a.m. on 08/22, my one-month birthday! This is it! ♪Celebration…let’s all celebrate and have a good time!♪ Put on your party hats, party people. Break out the cake and ice cream. (None for me, thanks. I’ll just have milk.)
So, I ate and mom put me back to sleep around 1. Then 2:00 rolled around. It’s still my birthday! ♪Go Shorty. It’s your birthday.♪ Why aren’t we up partying? So then we were. Mom fed me and put me in my bed half an hour later. What she didn’t know is that I was only pretending to be sleeping…little trick I learned. She put me down and Surprise! ♪Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me…♪ Mom, we can’t sleep now, my big day’s just begun. So, we didn’t. We stayed awake to celebrate this momentous occasion. To add to the fun of the day, as mom was changing my diaper, I went ahead and peed. That’s another little trick I’ve learned and gotten really good at.
Back to sleep around 3 and back up around 4:45. Now mom, this is getting ridiculous. We’re sleeping away my big day. ♪It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.♪ Even so, mom thought sleep was important. So, back to sleep around 5:15 and back up around 7. Back to sleep around 7:20 and back up shortly after 8. Finally mom wisened up and just let me sleep on her chest, my favorite way to sleep (and hers, too).
That afternoon I got to meet my cousin Rome for the first time (and Brooke and Aunt Joni, too). We talked about sports and trucks and women…you know, guy stuff. Mama says he’s really cute. He likes to stick his tongue out…I gotta learn how to do that.
After our long day, mom was totally unprepared for my one month pictures…she didn’t have a sign or an outfit or anything. What a slacker. So, she just snapped a few photos right before bed. Sweet mom.
Speaking of bed, if it’s possible, I slept even worse that night than the night before. Must have been all the excitement from my big day, but I was not done celebrating yet. I get that from my Grandma Keller. I mean, she celebrates her birthday for an entire month. All I’m asking is for one full day.
Even after all of this, Mom said it’s been the best month of her life. It’s been the best month of my life too. ;)
Party on, Wayne . Party on, Garth.